Just Mohabbat was a typical Indian Soap Opera/Romance and was aired on Sony TV in late 1990s. It was created by DJ's A Creative Unit and was directed by Tony and Deeya Singh. The story revolves round the life of a young boy Jai who lives in a hostel in Dehradun, far away from his parents. The boy's role was played by Master Harsh Lunia as a kid and later by Vatsal Seth as a teenager. The parents raj (played by
Salim Shah
) and Maya (played by Kavita Kapur). The story records the growing years of Jai and his relationships with his family and friends, Madhur Roam and Sanjay and also his imaginary friend Gautam(played by
Aditya Kapadia
). The story is loosely based on a very popular American TV serial 'The Wonder Years'.
The serial also witnesses Jai attending theatre classes with Madhur (played by
Tanvee Sharma
) and Sanjay (played by Frank Anthony) where they learn a lot many things from their teacher Laila (played by Sadia Siddiqui). Vatsal seth played the teen age years of Jai and
Jennifer Kotwal
was introduced in the serial as Saloni, friend of Jai. Aditi, Jai's girl friend was played by
Chandana Sharma
. The serial was popular due to good direction and beautiful depiction of the growing years of a child in a hostel. The teen age life, drama, happiness, sadness, joy and tears were shared by the audience, especially the teen age kids, who could very easily relate with the character.
The serial started in 1996 and was telecast on Sony TV and came to an end after 186 episodes in the year 2000.