Dil Deke Dekho is a refreshing and unique Indian Hindi adaptation. It combines both romance and comedy, making it a pleasant watch. This romantic comedy is aired on SAB TV to win hearts of viewers. This show includes comedy, fiction, drama and romance in one package and is a creation of Sony Pictures Network. Dil Deke Dekho is a show where we get to see the love approaches between two families, the Shastris and the Chopras. This show highlights on three love stories of three different generations making it a must watch for both the young and the old. The love story spins between the two families, the Shastris and the Chopras- the two families being exactly opposite each other. Shastri family is very much attached to its traditional customs and reserved while Chopra are people who live their life in a cheerful way and without worries.
The protagonist, one of the Shastris, Rahul Shastri played by
Abhishek Bajaj
Abhishek Bajaj is a small screen actor in India. H >> Read More...
is a lazy boy who uses his crafty nature only when it is required. He stays together with his parents played by
Chetanya Adib
Chetanya Adib was born on 10 November 1971 in Jaip >> Read More...
as Atal Shastri and
Ritu Vashisht
Ritu Vashisht, is a popular Indian Television actr >> Read More...
as Mohini Shastri , a beautiful single aunt, Simran Shastri played by
Preet Kaur Madhan
Preet Kaur Madhan has had a significant contributi >> Read More...
and his 65-year-old grandfather Hridayanath Shastri played by
Kanwaljit Singh
Bio coming soon... >>
. Rahul falls in love with Preet Chopra played by
Anju Jadhav
Anju Jadhav is an Indian-Actress. She mainly works >> Read More...
. She is the youngest member of the Chopra family , a sweet and innocent girl. Her family consists of her parents played by
Jiten Lalwani
Jiten Lalwani is an experienced actor, occasional >>
as Sheri Chopra (father) and
Jaswinder Gardner
Jaswinder Gardner is a fashion designer turned act >> Read More...
as Bubbly Chopra, her handsome uncle who is single, played by
Amit Tandon
Amit Tandon is Indian Television actor and singer >> Read More...
Kamal Chopra
Kamal Chopra is a film veteran, working in the Bol >> Read More...
Navneet Nishan
Navneet Nishan was born on October 25, 1965. her f >> Read More...
as Tulsi Chopra is a robust grandmother who was an ex-stuntwoman.
In Dil Deke Dekho we not only see Rahul and Preet fall in love with each other; we will also see Hridayanath Shastri fall in love with Tulsi Chopra (grandmother). At the same time, Preet's uncle aka Kamal Chopra, who did not manage to find any life partner yet, falls in love with Rahul's Aunt Simran Shastri. The comedy associated with the differences between the families and the chemistry between the couples of the three age groups despite the distinct mentality make Dil Deke Dekho a must watch. Man Singh Manku is the director of this sitcom, the story, the screenplay and the dialogues have been taken care of by
Raghuvir Shekhawat
Apart from the storyline, the most important featu >> Read More...
. This show was premiered on October 18, 2016 and airs every Monday to Friday at 10.30pm.