Bahu Wahi Jo Saas Mann Bhaye, an Indian based drama series was on aired in 2009 by our infamous Colours channel. In this serial Apara Mehta Apara Mehta became a household name for her suppor >> Read More... , who had staged about 150 teleserials and is a leading, supporting actress who was known for her work in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, was selected to deliver the prominent role of Bahu. You may have already guessed who is going join hands with Apara, yes it is none other than our Feroz Bhagat Feroz Bhagat is a veteran actor, playwright and ev >> Read More... , a supporting actor who made 11-year history in this field was going to star along with Apara Mehta as her husband.
Asit Modi originally produces this show and presented by Neela Telefilms. Sanjay R Gagnani was to play the son in law of Leela Sishir, who is portrayed as the ever fun loving, caring, easygoing personality who madly loves his wife. And last but not least the final main cast in the series was Neha Prajapati Neha Prajapati is an Indian television actress fro >> Read More... who was going to rock as Jigna, the only child of Apara and her husband who is the exact opposite of her husband Sishir, a dominant and adamant daughter who is pampered and cherished in the family. Jigna who also tormented her mother in law in all the ways she can.
This makes her mother thinking what if her daughter in law would do to her after marriage, what if they tried to create havoc in the family, what if they become like her daughter. This makes her expectation take a 360 degree in searching for daughter in law. This story is not the regular Saas and Bahu relationship, where you can see all lovey- dovey character. This is the story in which Bahu expect herself to be the controller of the family, and is the story which portrays the insecurity of a Bahu and wants a well disciplined and submissive Saas.
She goes to such an extent where instead of matching her son's she even matches her Kundli with the girl's to know whether she would torment like her daughter's mother in law. They say this serial is going to show the other side of saas and bahu relationship and is going to be a breath of fresh air. The show was to be Taken to air on May 2016 in Colors channel. This brings a huge expectation and excitement among the viewers.