Baal Krishna a TV Serial produced by Swastik Pictures which first aired on 14 March 2016 falls under the Mythology genre of Indian soap opera. Krishna who is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva goes on loads of small little adventures during his childhood. This show airs on Big Magic Monday to Friday at 6:30 in the evening.
Starring the show is a very cute Jaival Pathak Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as the little Krishna, the rest of the cast includes Sachin Shroff Sachin Shroff is a popular Indian television actor >> Read More... , Suman Gupta Suman Gupta is an actress. Suman has worked in the >> Read More... , and Nimai Bali Nimai Bali is an Indian actor who started his care >> Read More... . This show deals with the uncommon stories of Lord Krishna the Hindu God; sometimes it also deals with the widely popular tales with a new approach. The evil character King Kansa is always up with his plans about conquering Vrindavan and capturing Krishna, his arch nemesis. In contrast to Kansa’s malice, we find the humorous and funny side of Lord Krishna as a child as he goes around playing pranks and enjoying life with his friends.
As the myth goes, spirits had once come and told Kansa that his evil reign is over and an angel will come to earth to destroy him, which is eventually his death. This angel is Lord Krishna, Kansa thus keeps sending his subjects to Vrindavan to finish off Lord Krishna, but him being the embodiment of God finds his way out of all the traps that Kansa sets for him. One of the main attractions watching this heartwarming tale of Lord Krishna are his childish adventures, with his trusted companion Balaram. Both the actors essaying these roles make a beautiful team in the series. Their adorable acting is commendable.
This TV series is typically inclined towards family drama, so you can obviously watch it with your family. Also because this show is a family drama you get the full package, you can sit back and reminiscence about your childhood, or get into the nitty-gritty of political workings, and if you wish to relax and take it lightly you end up realising you’ve laughed all the way. It is important to note that this does not strictly follow the historical facts, but is fiction drama.
Overall this is one of the sweetest and engaging serials airing on television at the moment. Filled with detailed character growth, you’ll lose yourself into the story and feel at one with the characters. With the ability to make you laugh, giggle, and cry, all at the same time, it is a top draw on Indian television at the moment.