The series is an American sitcom, originally aired on CBS network. Created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, the show stars Johnny Galecki Johnny Galecki was born in Bree, Belgium in 1975. >> Read More... , Jim Parsons Jim Parsons was born on March 24th, 1973 in Housto >> Read More... , Simon Helberg Helberg was born on December 9th, 1980 in Los Ange >> Read More... , Kaley Cuoco Kaley Cuoco is an American actress. She was born a >> Read More... , Kunal Nayyar Nayyar was born in 1981 on April 30th in London, E >> Read More... , Mayim Bialik Bialik was born in 1975 in San Diego California. >> Read More... and Melissa Rauch Born on June 23, 1980, in New Jersey, U.S, Melissa >> Read More... . The story revolves around the lives of socially awkward physicists and roommates, Leonard Hofstadter (Galecki) and Sheldon Cooper (Parsons), and their beautiful, happy-go-lucky neighbour Penny (Cuoco). The fifth season of The Big Bang Click to look into! >> Read More... Theory, consisting of 24 episodes, was on aired on from 22 September 2011 to 10 May 2012. This season opens with the episode, “The Skank Reflex Analysis”, wherein Penny sleeps with Raj, leading to a disturbance in her relationship with the group. As a result, Penny decides to move back to Nebraska but cancels her plan when she finds out that she has landed an acting job in an haemorrhoids commercial.
Penny also clarifies with Raj that she does not have any kind of love feelings on him. In the subsequent episodes, Leonard tries to keep his long-distance relationship with Priya alive, while Bernadette spends a weekend with Howard and his mother, blending in perfectly with the eccentric family. But both relationships come to the test as Leonard and Priya cheat on each other, and Bernadette has to come to terms with Howard’s decision to travel to the International Space Station. After breaking up with Priya, Leonard and Penny go out on a date. Amy, upset with Sheldon’s indifference towards their relationship, agrees to go out with Stuart, which makes Sheldon very jealous, and so he finally accepts Amy as his girlfriend. But their relationship hits a low when Sheldon refuses to accept Amy’s work as equal to his own. Bernadette and Howard also face some troubles with their upcoming wedding, where the issues include their careers, their future children, and a prenuptial agreement. Meanwhile, Penny and Leonard make a smooth progress in their relationship. Howard continues his training in Houston for the space mission.
Due to some problems, NASA cancels the mission, at which Howard breathes a sigh of relief saying that going to Space terrified him. But later he gets to know that the plan is still on and that the launch would be pushed right before his wedding. Howard agrees to go, however, and Bernadette’s father becomes sure of him as a suitable son-in-law because of his bravery. Bernadette wants to marry Howard before he leaves, so Leonard, Sheldon, Penny and Amy act as the ministers and Bernadette becomes Mrs.Wolowitz. The fifth season brings in several high-profile celebrities, including actor Leonard Nimoy, astronaut Mike Massimino and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. The Big Bang Theory series was selected at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards for the Outstanding Comedy Series category.