The Supernatural is a fantasy cum horror television series created by Erick Kripke and Robert Singer. The show is aired on The CW on every Thursdays. The shows storyline revolves around two brothers Dean Winchester (
Jensen Ackles
Jensen Ackles was born on 1st March 1978 in Texas’ >> Read More...
) and Sam Winchester (
Jared Padalecki
Jared Padalecki was born on July 19, 1982, in San >> Read More...
) as they hunt demons, monsters, ghosts and other supernatural beings. Season 4 introduces Angels for the first time which also marks the establishment of
Misha Collins
Misha Collins is an English actor who has worked i >> Read More...
as Castiel, Angle on Earth who is for the first time in thousands of years brought down to Earth in order to prevent demons from opening gates of hell and freeing fallen angel Lucifer from hell. In the finale episode of season 3 we saw despite everything Dean is taken away by hell hounds and his soul gets trapped in the hell where he calls Sam for help.
In the first episode of Season 4 we see Dean awakens after 4 months dazed and confused in a grave with surrounding looking a nuke went off. Later it is revealed that he was resurrected by an Angel Castiel on God’s order. Dean is transported back in time by Castiel in 1973 where he encounters Azazel(Yellow-eyed demon, who killed Mary) who tells Dean that he has plans for Sam, and will feed Sam demon blood when he will be 6 months old. After coming back Dean comes to know that Sam with the help of Ruby has developed his abilities during the time he was dead. Though Sam hides from Dean how he has cultivated is powers (By drinking Demon Blood from Ruby). Rest of the season revolves around the Winchesters, Bobby, Castiel and his friend Uriel trying to stop Lilith from opening the gates of hell by breaking the 66 seals,that will release the fallen archangel Lucifer.
She is the devil, who was once God’s favourite angel but was cast down and banished from heaven as he denied against Heaven for refusing to serve humans. Soon after it is revealed that demons are being led by Lilith (who had Dean’s Contract). However, it is discovered that the angels have their own agendas. Down the road, the boys meet a girl named Anna who has the ability to hear angels, later to be discovered as a fallen angel herself. When angels turn up dead, Castiel and Uriel captures Alastair, Hell's Master Torturer demon who knew Dean; angels then ask Dean to torture him, as they are under the impression that Demons are killing Angels, but before dying Alastair tells Dean that it’s not the Demons who are killing the Angels. Gradually Castiel understands that his own brother Uriel is working for Lucifer and has convinced several loyal angels to join him to free Lucifer from his cage.
Heaven wanted to free Lucifer so that the Michael could kill Lucifer to cleanse the Earth after the Apocalypse had begun. Later Dean comes to know that he broke the first seal when he slaughtered the innocent souls during his stay in hell, he also discloses to Sam that he was in the Hell for 40 years not four months. Also, the brothers meet Prophet of the Lord named Chuck (Rob Benedict) who could foresee things that were going to happen with Dean and Sam.
Sam and Dean also come to know about their half-brother Adam. They come to know that their father John Winchester meet Adam's mother in a hospital where Adam’s mother was occupation by the nurse and when he was injured during a hunt. Despite an initial happy reunion, tension prevails between Sam and Dean which grows as Dean Fears Sam's growing powers and doesn’t trust Sam as he begins to drink more Demon Blood in order to become strong enough to kill Lilith. It later turns out to be an immoral decision as her death was the final seal and Ruby (Genevieve Cortese) was misleading him all along. When Dean arrives it becomes too late as Lucifer’s cage opens and bright light is emanated in the world