Aired from July 16, 2013, to April 10, 2014, the legal comedy-drama ‘Suits,’ was a famous show in the United States. The show was broadcasted on USA Network. The star cast of the show includes Gina Torres, Gabriel Macht An Actor of the American Film Industry, Gabriel Ma >> Read More... , Sarah Rafferty Sarah Gray Rafferty is an American movie and TV ac >> Read More... , Rick Hoffman, Meghan Markle, Patrick J. Adams, as the fictional lawyers in fictional Pearson Hardman law firm. The producers of the season were Hypnotic Films & Television and Universal Cable Productions, whereas Doug Liman Douglas Eric Liman is an American producer and dir >> Read More... , David Bartis were the executive producers, and Aaron Korsh was the series creator . Season 3 revolves around two people, Harvey Specter, who is a corporate lawyer and Mike Ross, his associate attorney, out of whom, only one has a law degree. The Manhattan-based law firm is home to Harvey Specter, Louis Litt, Rachel Zane, Jessica Pearson, Donna Paulsen, Mike Ross and the season focuses on how their life revolves.
This season saw the entry of a new recurring character named Ava, CEO of British petrol company Hessington Oil and a former beauty queen. Ava approaches Harvey for help after being faced with a lawsuit threatening her business. Another new character introduced was that of Stephen Huntley, Harvey’s British nemesis, and Edward Darby’s aide. Rachel’s and Jessica’s mothers were also brought into notice in this season. The third season of this widely popular series mainly deals with the changing dimensions within the firm, like Jessica’s newly formed partnership with Darby, and its implications on Harvey and her. It also showed some new characters and their effects on the firm and its members. Louis and Donna also decide to avenge themselves.
Harvey sets forward to help Ava with her case, facing various roadblocks along the way and what it turns into when even Stephen joins in with him. Jessica finally realizes her misjudgment and comes on Harvey’s side against Darby. Harvey eventually faces a dilemma between Jessica and Scottie. On the other hand, Mike starts facing issues in his personal equations with Rachel, as they contemplate about their future together. Mike and Harvey also face off with a tireless US attorney, who is hell bent on taking away their biggest client. Full of drama, revelations, and twists, Suits Season 3 was equally engaging as its previous seasons and garnered high ratings. The ratings touched more than 3 million viewers and managed to stay in the top 10 most popular and watched shows. Also, grabbing 86% approval from the viewers, Suits has been a show which managed to hook its viewers with its interesting and captivating plot.