English Tv Show Homeland Season 4

Homeland Season 4 English TV SHOWS on SHOWTIME
3.30 / 5.00
3.74 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Homeland Season 4 premiered on 5th October 2014 on Showtime Channel. The last episode aired 21st December 2014 on Showtime, comprising of 12 episodes in total. In the 4th Season, Carrie is filling in as a CIA station boss in Afghanistan. Sandy Bachman, chief of the Pakistan station tips Carrie to the area of one of her target terrorists in Pakistan named Haissam Haqqani. Carrie announces an air strike, obviously slaughtering Haqqani, furthermore executing 40 regular people going to a wedding in the strike area.

Aayan Ibrahim is a survivor of the attack. After losing his family, he comes back to college where one of his friends transfers the wedding video from Aayan's telephone. Carrie tries to reach another special agent who uncovers that Sandy was exchanging state insider facts in return for target data and Lockhart knew about it. Carrie coerces Lockhart to send her to Pakistan as the new chief. Once she reaches there, Carrie starts another base with Fara and max and persuades Quinn to join it as well. Saul touches base at the government office to administer private security. Carrie requests that Fara enrolls Aayan, yet she comes up short because Aayan is excessively terrified.

Carrie then reaches Aayan, offering assistance to pirate him to London. Fara keeps and eye on Aayan and follows him to a mosque where he finds out that Haqqani didn't die in the strike and his nephew Aayan is helping him with stolen medicines. Then, an ISI official Tasneem Qureshi reaches Dennis Boyd, ambassador's husband, uncovering the last as Sandy's source, by taking information from his partner Martha. Tasneem powers Dennis to keep working for her. Aayan admits to Carrie that Haqqani is not dead. In an organised assault set up via Carrie and her team, Aayan escapes the safe house and reaches Haqqani. Carrie screens Aayan through automaton as he is driving them to him. Dennis gives data about Aayan to Tasneem who alarms Haqqani. Haqqani's men abduct Saul, and Haqqani greets Aayan in the mountains where Saul is hostage.

Haqqani points the finger at Aayan for the automaton following him and murders Aayan. Carrie, rankled by Aayan's murder, arranges a strike in spite of Saul's nearness, however Quinn mediates. Haqqani requests that they release five detainees in return for Saul. Lockhart touches base at the international haven to deal with the circumstances. Saul escapes from imprisonment and calls Carrie who drives him to a close-by town for extraction. Haqqani's people later encompass him again. They catch him again. Lockhart surrenders to the requests of the trade. At the government office, they got Dennis as the break and detain him. Saul, not wanting the settlement to happen, gets released by Haqqani. Carrie's guard is hit by Haqqani's men with RPGs on their way to the Embassy. Haqqani invades the consulate by a shrouded burrow and murders a few people. Debilitating to slaughter more individuals, Haqqani requests the rundown of assets which Lockhart surrenders. But then also, Haqqani executes Fara, and Quinn assaults, constraining Haqqani to withdraw and escape. The guard gets assistance from the Pakistani military after a deferral.

The White House in the USA ends relations with Pakistan and requests a clearing of the rest of the Embassy employees. Quinn leaves the Embassy and plans on slaughtering Haqqani. Carrie remains behind in search of him. Amid a rally of supporters of Haqqani, Carrie powers Quinn to prematurely end his plan to murder him and finds Dar Adal in Haqqani's car. Back in the United States, Carrie reunites with her offended mother. Quinn acknowledges a risk death mission in Syria. Carrie goes up against Dar Adal who uncovers Saul as a supporter of a settlement made with Haqqani to take him off the CIA murder list in return for Haqqani no longer bringing terrorists in Afghanistan. Carrie departs in outrage and disarray.


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