The season four of the popular American comedy show, Entourage, first aired on 17 June 2007, with the season finale airing on 2 September 2007. It is a drama-comedy series, and it is a brainchild of Doug Ellin Doug Ellin is an executive producer and creator of >> Read More... . It contains adult content, and hence, it is not suitable for children below twelve. Stephen Levinson, Mark Wahlberg One of the multi-awarded youngest and finest star; >> Read More... , Ally Musika, Rob Weiss, Dennis Biggs and Doug Ellin are the producers of the show.
The serial is mostly based off the struggles of Mark Wahlberg when he was a new entrant in the industry. It follows the life of a handsome actor, with eyes to die for, Vincent Chase, and his two friends and brother. They come from a small area in New York Click to look into! >> Read More... , called Queens, and are trying to be successful in Los Angeles. All of them want to have sex. Vince has built a reputation of banging every single actress in the city. Johnny is a struggling actor, who will do just about anything to land a role in a movie.
Eric is Vince's manager. He has to deal with Vince’s daily dramas while also handling the entourage. Anything bad that happens, Eric will be held responsible for it. Ari Gold is as charismatic as ever. He doesn't care about what anyone thinks about him. He lives life according to his rules. Turtle needs Vince for everything. He can't even get inside a bar or a party without him. Season four has twelve episodes, with each episode having a runtime of around twenty-five minutes.
Mark Mylod, Ken Whittingham, Seith Mann, Julian Farino and Dan Attias, are the people who among them, have directed twelve episodes of the season. Vince has finally found the funding he needed to produce Medellin. He didn't need to sleep with anybody for that. They are shown shooting the film in Colombia. Vince is playing the role of Pablo Escobar. Billy Walsh is the director of the feature film, and he has been giving Eric a hard time.
They only have a budget of $30 million, to produce the movie. The lead financier of the movie was caught with cocaine in the trunk of his car and as a result, his bank accounts are frozen. Billy has a crush on the local actress. He is trying to find out who she is sleeping with. He doubts that Vince is the guy, but he clears it up with him and he is back to shooting the film.