English Tv Show 24 Serial 8

24 Serial 8	 English TV SHOWS on Fox
3.10 / 5.00
3.83 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

24 is an American television series. Its eighth season was premiered on January 17,2010 on Fox channel. Kamistani President, Omar Hassan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... is to be assassinated by his brother Farhad as he has disappointed Kamistani terrorists by not showing interest in developing nuclear weapons and inhibiting their attempts. The terrorists are even resentful of America as an important treaty is to be signed between the US and the Islamic Republic of Kamistan. Hassan is rescued by CTU .

He reveals that the terrorists have planned to procure nuclear rods from mobs of Russia. Jack forces Sergei Bazhaev’s mob family to cooperate with him with the help of Renee Walker. Samir Mehran is given the nuclear rods. Hassan’s head of security, Tarin Faroush is a part of Mehran’s gang who plans to construct a destructive bomb in America. They present an ultimatum to Taylor’s government which includes handing over Hassan for execution or the bomb being detonated. A team of U.S. black ops attempts to abduct Hassan after Taylor orders to protect Hassan at all costs. All the team members are killed except one by Jack Bauer and the rest of Hassan’s protection squad.

On learning about the ultimatum, Hassan decides to surrender to Mehran. Hassan is killed by Mehran before the CTU agents could rescue him. Taylor convinces Hassan’s wife, Dalia to take her husband’s position as interim President and sign the treaty on her country’s behalf. After their duties were over, Jack and Renee return to their apartment where they share intimate moments together, unaware of the fact that they had been followed by a Russian murderer. The assassin starts firing through the window and Renee his hit. She dies before Jack could take her to the hospital. Jack decides to take a revenge and his attitude frightens Taylor. Taylor fears that his actions can cause the treaty to be called off, so she orders to lock him down.

Jack sets himself free and kills every member included in the conspiracy that killed Walker and Hassan. Charles Logan approaches Taylor and offers to capture Bauer. Dana Walsh, Mikhail Novakovich and Pavel Tokarev are killed by Jack. Charles Logan is also targeted by Jack but is not killed as he fulfills Jack’s demand by inviting Russian President, Yuri Suvarov to the hotel room. Chloe stops Jack from killing the president at the last second. President Taylor turns herself into Attorney General. Jack escapes as is revealed by the video captured by predator drone which is being watched by Chloe. The feed is shut down on the order of Chloe and Jack disappears.


William H. Macy English Movie Actor
DOB: 13 March 1950
William H. Macy
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DOB: 22 November 1965
Mads Mikkelsen
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DOB: 21 July 1978
Josh Hartnett
Angelina Jolie English Movie Actress
DOB: 4 June 1975
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Linda Arsenio English Movie Actress
DOB: 20 June 1978
Linda Arsenio
Tabrett Bethell English Movie Actress
DOB: 13 May 1981
Tabrett Bethell