Training day is an American TV show aired on CBS’ channel. This crime-thriller genre television series is set 15 years after the events of the movie. It is produced by a team of four people - Antoine Fuqua Antoine Fuqua is an American movie director, produ >> Read More... , Jerry Bruckheimer Jerry Bruckheimer is one of the most successful Am >> Read More... , Will Beall and Jonathan Littman, under the production company named Jerry Bruckheimer Television and Warner Bros. Television. It is composed by Jeff Cardoni and is based on the movie “Training Day” by David Ayer.Developed by Will Beall, it was premiered on the 2nd of February, and has completed thirteen episodes and 1 season since then, till its last episode on the 20th of May, 2017. The premise of the series is “similar” to that of the original movie, on which it was based on.
It is a story of a second-generation cop named Officer Kyle Craig, a character played by Justin Corn well, who saves the life of a little girl during the high profile drug-mafia raid case. He is shown as a happy man passionate about his job,who is usually freaked out about cleanliness and has a beautiful wife who is shown to a teacher in the series. His supervisor, Deputy Chief Joy Lockhart, a character played by Marianne Jean-Baptiste, acknowledges him as one of the best investigators. In the beginning of the series, she is seen calling him to the city hall and casually asking him about the Alonzo Harris scandal. Later, she discloses to him about her “end game” where she wants him to go undercover and stop the rogue cop- Det.
Frank Rourke, a character played by Bill Paxton Bill Paxton was one of the well-known and renowned >> Read More... to become the second Alonzo Harris. The rest of the star cast includes Julie Benz Julie M. Benz is an actress of American origin who >> Read More... as Holly Butler who is in a relationship with Frank. Katrina Law Katrina Law is a well-known American actress and m >> Read More... is characterised as Detective Rebecca Lee, an officer in SIS. A part has been shown, where she was seven years old and was rescued by Frank from the human traffickers. She had never experienced the love of a begetter before and had looked up to him as her only father ever since that incident hadoccurred. Drew Van Acker Drew Van Acker is a well-known American actor and >> Read More... is seen as Detective Tommy Campbell, an SIS officer, a co-officer of Rebecca and also a professional surfer.
Christina Vidal Christina Vidal, also is known as Christina Vidal >> Read More... plays a character of Detective III Valeria Chavez, an investigator in Robbery Homicide Division. Lex Scott Davis Lex Scott Davis is a well-known American actress a >> Read More... is seen as a smart, cynical wife of Kyle, playing the role of Alyse Arrendondo. The series ends with the promotion of Kyle from a trainee to a partner with Frank. He accepts the proposal and joins his team, turning his back on Lockhart. Many critics came up with negative reactions claiming it to be unsuccessful in meeting up with the expectations of the viewers.
The cause of it was mainly because of the misleading title of the story, which made its viewers expect something similar to the plot of the movie. It seemed that the series turned out to have a completely different story, keeping aside some tie-ups in the initial episodes. The show had raised excitement amongst the viewers through its teaser, but the whole thing turned out to be a complete failure after its release.It is usually said that keeping “expectations” can really harm a person, which can be easily witnessed here. It gained a score of 38 out of 100 on Metacritic and an IMDb rating of 5.9 out of 10, which seems quite unfavourable.