“Grimm” is an American TV series telecasted on NBC. The series premiered on 28th of October, 2011. The climax of the series was telecasted on March 31st, 2017, on NBC. “Grimm” is a supernatural and mystical cop drama series. The plot and the characters of the series were inspired by “Grimm’s Fairy Tales,” published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Wilhelm and Jacob. Nick Burkhardt is a crime detective of Portland Police Department. He begins to experience strange things. He discovers supernatural instincts within him, which nobody else knows. His ancestors were known as Grimms who are supposed to keep the balance between humankind and mythology called Wesen.
He learns that he is descended of Grimms, the huntsmen. Normal people transform into monsters. Nick carries the task of balancing mankind and mythology. A big bad wolf turns out to be his confidant. Nick gets to know about his ancestors through his aunt. Even before he realizes his origin, Nick has the ability to sense the intuitions of the individuals. His deductions were always correct. These powers are inherited. The show comprises of total six seasons. Every role has a significant share in the plot. The cast and the crew were the biggest asset of the series.
Juliette Silverton is Nick’s girlfriend, who is initially unaware of Nick’s abilities. However, Nick reveals her everything about him and his abilities by the end of season one. Monroe is a good friend of Nick but he dislikes Grimms for killing the ancestor of Monroe. Later, Monroe learns the ancestor deserves it for his deeds. Nick’s girlfriend temporarily loses Nick out of her memory due to induced amnesia. However, she gets recovered and joins Nick to help him find the cure for the children who suffer from a disease which turns children into Wesen like creatures. Sean Renard is an efficient superior of Nick and a magical creature.
He intends to put Wesens in a powerful position dominating mankind. Adalind Schade works for Renard. She is a witch-like Wesen. She becomes a normal human being after ingesting Nick’s blood. Adalind, in an intention to take away the powers from Nick, plans a revenge scheme with him in the disguise of Juliette. Nick loses his powers. But, he regains his powers in the season four. Adalind gives birth to Nick’s child, Kelly. The characterization of the series was so good that every role appeals to the audience. The series was nominated for People’s Choice Awards, and twice for Creative Arts Emmy Awards.