Mahabharata Murder is a Hindi TV serial aired on Hoichoi. The storyline for the serial is taken by the book The Mahabharata Murders by Arnab Roy. This series is directed by Soumik Halder. It stars Priyanka Sarkar Priyanka Sarkar is a renowned Bengali actress who >> Read More... , Arjun Chakrabarty Arjun Chakrabarty is a famous name is the Bengali >> Read More... , Saswata Chatterjee Saswata Chatterjee is an actor of Bengali origin. >> Read More... , Kaushik Sen  Kaushik Sen is an Indian theatre artist who wor >> Read More... , and Rajdeep Gupta Rajdeep is a self-made actor with stunning acting >> Read More... . It is a mystery and suspense based on multiple killings by a serial killer. In the story, the killer considers himself Duryodhan and kills people individually to eradicate every good character shown in Mahabharata for revenge.
The investigation starts with the killing of Devika or Draupadi and continues till later in the serial. The storyline and the acting are praiseworthy and keep you occupied throughout the series. The series is ongoing with ten episodes published out of 12. It is a modern mystery and thriller, with the addition of Mahabharata, the epic of our country. It is recommended if you like crime thrillers. The series is available on Jio Cinema.