Judgement Day is a Bengali crime thriller television series released on 5 February 2020, available on Zee5. It is the story of two sisters from North Bengal, Diya and Hiya. Hiya gets raped when she visits Kolkata, and her sister Diya becomes an advocate to fight for justice for her sister. The series portrays how Diya faces the challenges of bringing justice to her sister. Diya fights the justice system fearlessly for bringing justice to her sister. Judgement Day is directed by Ayan Chakraborty Bio coming soon... >> Read More... under the production of Camellia Production House. The series stars Sohini Sarkar Sohini Sarkar is a recognized Indian Bengali film >> Read More... as Diya, Madhumita Sarcar as Hiya, Abhishek Singh Bio coming soon... >> Read More... as ACP Javed Khan, Kaushik Sen  Kaushik Sen is an Indian theatre artist who wor >> Read More... as Lawyer Sujay Dutta Burman, Rupsa Chatterjee Rupsa Chatterjee was born on July 18th and is know >> Read More... as Buni, Surbat Dutt as Criminal Lawyer RDX, Arpan Ghoshal Arpan Ghoshal is a Bengali actor. He lives in Howr >> Read More... as Mac, Ranojoy as Kingshuk, and Mainak Banerjee Mainak Banerjee is an Indian television and film a >> Read More... as Riyaan. Its original language is Bengali, but it is also available in various audio languages like Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.