Rannaghorer Goppo is an Indian cooking show that premiered in 2022 on Colors Bangla. It is a Bengali language cookery show. It features Chef Sudipta Chakraborty as she takes the viewers on a delicious food trip through her recipes. The show is curated around the spices & stories theme as the name says, “Rannaghorer Goppo '', which translates to Kitchen Gossip. The show presents the viewers with a bunch of mouth-watering snacks that are easy to make at home. Chef Sudipta Chakraborty is a lone ranger and keeps the audience engaged with her simplicity and indulging techniques for seamless cooking. Rannaghorer Goppo presents a wide variety of recipes loved by people of all age groups. The critical element of the show is that the host shares the stories of spices and exciting information about the recipe.
It is an informational yet fun cooking show. Rannaghorer Goppo has engaging and appealing visuals of the cooking process and the final food. The show celebrates food of all kinds; however, particular emphasis is given to quick meals. The show is an indulgent treat to the eyes of the viewers and creates excellent encouragement to start cooking because of the chef’s effortless portrayal of cooking. Rannaghorer Goppo not only creates tasty recipes but also helps the viewers with the presentation of dishes. The show offers valuable and practical tips. Rannaghorer Goppo is an excellent source of entertainment. The show provides excellent information and presents unknown facts about the food. Chef Sudipta Chakraborty makes the show feel like one’s home with her welcoming and helpful comments throughout the show. Chef Sudipta's enthusiastic joy fills each picture.
Her laughter echoes around the kitchen, transforming routine activities into enjoyable escapes. Some episodes are as quick as a soufflé, while others are as slow as a stew. The close-up pictures of sizzling butter are captivating; yet, the odd panoramic shot catches the viewer's attention. Rannaghorer Goppo is a one-of-its-kind show that embraces Indian culture and makes people aware of the delicacies loved in a state like Bengal. Chef Sudipta tries to incorporate her skills and create exciting recipes using simple ingredients. The show is an excellent form of entertainment as it engages the viewers with appealing visuals and interesting stories. Rannaghorer Goppo primarily focuses on Bengali cuisine and incorporates modern and traditional cooking methods. Watch all episodes of Rannaghorer Goppo on the Jio Cinema app or website.