Melam Kottu Thali Kattu is a Tamil reality television show. This show, which is a reality television series, is based on the concept of marriage. This reality television show had been telecasted on every weekend. This reality television show had been telecasted on every Saturdays and Sundays. The channel that this reality television show had been telecasted onPuthuyugam TV. The show timings are from Saturday through to Sunday, at 8:00 p.m., on Puthuyugam TV. This reality television show began in 2013 and continued to April 2014. The last episode had been telecasted on 16 April 2014. The entire show had been divided into two seasons.
The first season of this reality television series aired on both the days, Saturday and Sunday. And the second season was aired only on Saturdays. The first season of this reality television series telecasted a total number of twenty-four episodes, while the second season of this reality television series telecasted a total number of eight episodes. The first season of this reality television series telecasted their show from 2013 to 19 January 2014, and a total number of twenty-four episodes had been telecasted. The second season of this reality television series telecasted their show from 8 March 2014 to 16 April 2014, and a total number of eight episodes had been telecasted. Combining both the seasons, a total number of thirty-two episodes had been telecasted in this reality television series, which had been dated from 2013 to 16 April 2014.
This reality television series had been formatted as a game show. This reality television show conceptualized a game, which was only meant to be played by unmarried women or yet to be married women. The prizes in this reality television show were things like gold, and other marriage related articles and products. The competition in this reality television show had been structured around a quiz competition. This quiz had a total number of seven rounds. The winners of this competition received prizes like gold, and other marriage related articles and products.
The host of this show was an actress, and this reality television show was her debut into the industry. Her presentation made the reality game show very famous and popular, along with the concept of this reality television series, which was one of a kind. The name of this actress who hosted the show was Sneha. This reality television show had also been telecasted in Singapore and Malaysia. In Singapore, it was telecasted from Saturday through to Sunday, at 9:00 p.m. on V Thamizh HD. And in Malaysia, it was telecasted on every Monday, at 6:00 p.m. on AstroVaanavil.