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Jayasurya Scared His Daughter!

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
Jayasurya Scared His Daughter!
Super Actor, “ Jayasurya Jayasurya is a versatile actor who hailed from Ker >> Read More... ” has recently wrapped up his film, “Pretham,” directed by Ranjith Sankar Ranjith Sankar was born in Kerala in Thrissur on F >> Read More... . This is the third collaboration between the duo and they have been gearing up for the release of this horror thriller. Jayasurya has tonsured his hair for his role in Pretham. But, his tonsured look didn’t go well with his 4-year-old kid, Veda. When she saw tonsured Jayasurya, she ran and hid behind her mother with fear. Jayasurya says, "I had no issues in shaving my head for the role in Pretham because I am doing it for my job. But it made me feel uncomfortable when my daughter was so scared and she wouldn't even come near me. It took nearly three days to pacify her and make her come to me with a smile." Jayasurya plays John Don Bosco and he is a mentalist, who could read the minds. Jayasurya has been booked doing a film titled, “ Lucky Lucky was an adventure as well as a fantasy- drama >> Read More... ” with “ Siddique Siddique, who is a Malayalam film actor, producer, >> Read More... .”