“Munna Bhai” sequels are very popular throughout India. “Munna Bhai” series were remade in Tamil and Telugu and it reached the south audiences, as it did in Hindi. There is surprising news for Sanjay Dutt fans. Yes, Bollywood informers told us that, there are talks going on to make the sequel of “Munna Bhai” with Sanjay Dutt again. The fans are waiting for the next sequel and here comes the happy news. But, nothing is confirmed officially. Recently, the filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani frankly said that, he was not satisfied with the second part. So, he will be interested in doing the third part, says a secret birdie. Let us wait for the confirmation message from Rajkumar. Are you interested to watch the fun by the Sunjay and Arshad Warsi ? Okay, then stay cool till we give you the official confirmation!