The story revolves around a beautiful young woman, Kalki, who lives in with her father in a village, where the practice of female infanticide and female foeticide is prevalent. In exchange for a large amount of money, this single woman will be married to five males of the village who happens to be her brothers. Those cruel brothers does anything to satisfy their sexual needs. This movie depicts very well how lonely women become prey to Sex-Hungry men.
This movie deals with the various problems that a girl child in rural India goes through in the process of growing up. Female infanticide, gender inequality, etc. are the issues dealt with in this Bollywood extravaganza. The movie highlights the issue of male and female sex-ratio in a very subtle way. This movie also shows how women are being mistreated by men in rural parts of india.
Kajarya is a thriller film, shot in Haryana, which deals with the issue of sex selection in India. The movie throws light on the life of two very different women- one of them is Kajarya, belonging to a village and does a job of killing babies while another is a journalist belonging to New Delhi.
This movie set in Assam, is based on domestic violence and the issue of female foeticide. The film depicts beautifully how a modern woman goes through different turmoils in her life like mental and physical torture, at the hands of her husband on a day to day basis.
The movie primarily focuses on the issue of female infanticide in India and China. The main question that the film puts forth is why are crimes against women happening and why so little is being done to protect girls. The film narrates the story of women who go through horrible ordeals like acid throwing, eve teasing, dating abuse, etc. This movie wonderfully depicts how a women is being ill-treated all over the world and nothing is being done to protect her rights.
Directed by Bharathiraja, this real-life story throws light on the ill feelings and emotions of people that surround the birth of a girl child. This movie showcases the importance of a baby girl in the society and towards the end of this super hit movie, their misconceptions are gone and we see a transformation in the hearts of the people as they realize the true value of a girl child .
This hard-hitting film tries its level best to increase awareness about one of the most prevalent social evils of all - female feticide. The story depicts a very emotional journey of three ladies who go through this social evil in their life and how they fight against this inhuman practice.
This breathtaking movie revolves around the life of a girl who was engaged to an older man living far away from her, only at the age of thirteen due to the poor economic condition of her family. Later, this girl is found to be friends with a truck driver who assures her parents a large amount of money in exchange for the girl. The movie is well known for the amazing work of its star cast. This movie shows how backward class people compromise on their girl child to get married at a very tender age, keeping in mind their economic backwardness.
Nishant is the film which revolves around the issue of sexual exploitation of women by the elite class which was very common during Feudalism in India. This movie was directed by the Legendary director Shyam Benegal Shyam Benegal is a renowned Indian director and sc >> Read More... . The story revolves around a beautiful young woman, who is being abducted by some village men, becoming spellbound by her beauty. Seeing this, her husband comes to her rescue, but all his efforts go in vain.
This male chauvinism based purposeful film depicts the journey of four women who are the victims of all kinds of brutalities faced by the women in our society. The issue of the plight of women in India was highlighted in great details in the movie. This movie shows how women go through all kinds of tortures at the hands of men.