Chup Chup Ke
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was a movie with brilliant actors and hilarious dialogues. Even years after the release of this movie, we can’t get enough of it. Here we are, presenting some epic dialogues only for our viewers.
1) After already having made to polish shoes by his boss because of him complaining he didn’t know how to, Bandya says this when asked about washing clothes:
2) Shruti hears a song and discovers that Jitu can well, sing and dance too. The cat is let out of the bag. Now, Jitu has to come out with a solution, so he lies about having only one kidney and if Shruti reveals this secret of him being able to speak, he threatens to kill himself by jumping in the.
3) This is one of the favorite scenes of every Chup Chup Ke lover. Our beloved Bandya gets really tired after working all day, and just as he sits down to eat, something unfortunate happens and he misses lunch. After the humdrum when he finally gets some Gujarati food, he says this -
4) When the Bong comes back to take Jitu (his supposed nephew), he comes to know that the secret of him not being disabled has been revealed and everyone knows the truth. He tries covering up, lest he would have to pay a hefty fine for his life. So, we have,
5) Bandya who is a loyal servant who irritates his boss a lot. He is cracking the worst goes throughout the day. It’s only the love and patience they both share that have kept them together through this journey. But as shown below, he is always there to piss his boss off.
6) Poor Bandya works the whole day. When it is time for food, he inevitably ends up messing up his Gujarati words and instead of food, ends up disrespecting the daughter of the family, for which he gets beaten up by her brothers Bandya gets fed up and we have this:
7) This is where the Bong businessman washes his hands off these two, by making a fool out of the Gujarati businessman into keeping not one, but two of them in his household.
8) When Bandya goes back to Jitu’s village, this is how he introduces himself. Now we all know how confused and irresponsible Bnadya is! Even though Shruti works so hard on him, he is still a mess. Whatever he does, he makes us laugh our lungs.
9) Bandya again at his best. As we discussed earlier, Bandya had gone to JItu’s village to give them the money. However, irresponsible as he is, he forgets to take the bag of cash with him. Hilarity ensues.
10) Here comes the introductory scene, where Bandya tries to enquire about the family which he serves. However, he (as well as the audience) finds it really strange, the number of people living in the house. He jokingly makes a suggestion: