Saheem Khan is an Indian actor and director, who shot to fame after the success of his directorial debut “Ekram” (2018). He played the lead role of a Muslim boy in the movie, who, while sneaking out to meet his girlfriend, is arrested by the anti-corruption squad in relation to a terrorist bombing case for the sole reason that he belonged to the Muslim community, and the squad wanted to complete the task ‘the easy way.’ The film, inspired by real events, was shot in just fifteen days.
It was honored with the Best Foreign Language Film award whereas Saheem bagged the award for Best Actor at the 2018 Creation International Film Festival in Canada. Saheem was born on 5th June 1989 in the rural town of Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. He was the fifth child to be born into his agricultural family. Being the youngest, he was the most mischievous of his siblings and would often be seen goofing around with his best friend, Hasrat, who accompanied him when he moved to Mumbai in 2007 in search of a suitable career.
The first thing Saheem did on his arrival at the home of Bollywood was to visit Salman Khan’s house. He tried his best just to catch a glimpse of the actor but the security had other ideas. In Mumbai, he had to struggle quite a lot, working first as a driver, then as a salesman. All this while he would observe the people around him, and how they behaved under different circumstances. This was how he learned to act and express various emotions.
He got his break on the big screen when he auditioned for and was cast as the lead actor, Raghav, in the thriller “Chehra – The Unknown Mask” (2013). The movie was a big-time flop but had implanted in Saheem the drive to act. He later worked on some more projects but they were either rescinded midway or never released at all.
His career gained stability when he was cast in Sony TV’s real-life crime based series “Crime Patrol” (2003). He appeared in more than 250 episodes of the show and 200 of Star TV’s similar series “ Savdhaan India Show Story Coming Soon... >> Read More... ” (2012).
He has also featured in Ashtar Sayed’s crime-thriller “ Maatr Click to look into! >> Read More... ” (2017), starring Raveena Tandon Raveena Tandon is an Indian film actress who is kn >> Read More... , and a few episodes of Colors TV’s supernatural show “ Code Red Story Soon >> Read More... ” (2015) along with &TV’s soap opera “Tujhse Naraz Nahi Zindagi” (2015). His upcoming project, “Ishaq Murabba,” is a short romantic suspense film scheduled to release in the winter of 2019.