Amit Phalke started his journey as a child actor. He later went on to become a producer as well as a director. Currently, he is serving as the Vice President and Creative Director of Sony Pictures Network India. He was also a part of the core team to launch the network’s channel Sony Marathi. He was born on 8th June 1979 in Pune, India. He has a sister with the name Kalyani Phalke. He married Pooja Sudrik in 2011. Amit is active on Instagram and Facebook. He regularly shares with his audience the latest updates using these social media accounts. He started working at the age of 7. His first play was with Natya Sanskar Kala Academy for Kaamkar Kala Sangha, a one-act play competition. The title of their play was Mothe Jhale Chhote in Marathi. He won his first award with this play. He then acted in other plays like Ek Hota Jungle and Life Partners Click to look into! >> Read More... . He also got a chance to work with the Theatre Academy.
The plays which he did there include Sequence, Safar, and a Sanskrit play. He was then offered to work in two plays with the National School of Drama. These were Karmawali and Joseph ka Mukkaddama. Working here, he was approached by Gopi Desai Gopi Desai is an Indian actress and director. She >> Read More... . This got him his first big break. He got to be a part of Irrfan Khan Starrer Mujhse Dosti Karoge in 1992. He also starred in Shyam Benegal’s film Mammo in 1994. He got the award for Best Child Artist in 1992 by Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the President of India at that time. His other acting projects include Kareeb in 1996, Padchhaya from 1998-99, Maherchi Saadi, Sudachakra, and Aaila Re. He was also seen in television commercials for Hajmola and Action shoes.
He started his own production house in 2000 catering to Shop 24/7, ZEE TV, Sahara, Microsoft, state governments of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, Tata Consultancy Services, Viraj steel, and ETV, among many others. This venture was highly successful, and after this, he joined ZEE Network, where he launched their regional film channel and Marathi film business. He then started working as a director. His first project was Mera Awaaz hi Meri Pehchaan Hai. He then directed corporate videos, promos, and a short film called Faith. The short film got selected for the New York Click to look into! >> Read More... film festival in 2005. He then went on to work for ZEE TV, Viacom 18, and Star Network before finally joining Sony network in 2017.