Eshwar Niwas is no ordinary director. He got national award for Shool and second film Love Ke liye Kuch bhi karega too scored in box office. He hails from a small village called Anahtpur in Andhra Pradesh. He lost his father when he was three. E Niwas was in love with cinema always since his childhood days. Even he would pay for cinema ticket with school fees. He was indeed a biggest movie buff! His favourite actor was Chiranjeevi and he used to bunk school even to watch his movies. E Niwas wanted to join film industry at an early age. After completing films, he used to meet often people connected to film world, technicians, cinematographers and even technicians. He could not yet get a break in cinema. Fortunately, he met
Ram Gopal
Varma and begged him for a job. Ram Gopal interviewed him and gave him break as an assistant director. His first work was in RGV’s film Antam. In order to pursue his career, he left his home and came to Hyderabad and stayed in the studio itself. E Niwas joined as 12th assistant director to RGM and got salary of Rs2,000 per month. It was when RGV was planning Prema Katha(Telugu), E Niwas got a break! At the age of 23, E Niwas directed his first film Shool, which had Manoj Bajpai and Ravenne Tanon in lead roles. As a producer, he made My Name is Anthony Gonslave. His earlier film Dum failed in box office. He did also commercial films with
Shah Rukh Khan
for Videocon company. His editing in Rangeela was so impressive, that the film received critical acclaim. He has married Priyanka, a Bangalore based girl. He owes his success to Ram Gopal Varma and considers him as guru and guide in cinema. Though he could not sustain the magic of Shool but yet his contribution to Indian cinema can not go neglected. He is the youngest director perhaps in Tollywood, who got break at age of 16. Love ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega received great reviews and was superhit at box office.