Indian actor and director Chandrashekhar Vaidya, better known by his stage name Chandrashekhar, was active in the Bollywood film industry. In addition to portraying Arya Sumant in the illustrious television series Ramayan, he was best known for playing supporting roles in movies alongside Rajesh Khanna Born as Jatin Khanna on 29th December 1942, the ch >> Read More... in the lead roles. On July 7, 1922, he was born in Hyderabad. In the early 1940s, he left college and relocated to Bombay. He held a UK-issued diploma in western dancing. He landed his first position with Shalimar Studios in Pune thanks to the singer Shamshad Begum's recommendation. After that, he got cast as a junior artist in Bebas (1950), which starred Bharat Bhushan Bharat Bhushan born in Meerut city of Uttar Prades >> Read More... . He first appeared in films like Nirdoshi (1951), Daag (1952), Farmiash (1953), and Meenar as a junior artist (1954). Since his acting debut in the 1954 film Aurat Teri Yehi Kahani, he has appeared in about 250 movies. Surang, a 1953 movie directed by V. Shantaram, was his debut performance.
In movies like Fashion (1957), Gateway of India, Barsaat Ki Raat (1960), Baat Ek Raat Ki, Rustom-E-Baghdad (1963), Angulimaal (1960), King Kong King Kong is an Indian film Actor and comedian ass >> Read More... (1962), and Jahan Ara, he played a famous supporting role (1964). In his popular musical film Cha Cha Cha, which featured Helen for the first time in a leading role, he also served as producer, director, and actor in the title role. The movie Cha Cha Cha is one of the ones mentioned in the book 40 Retakes: Bollywood Classics You May Have Missed by Avijit Ghosh Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . He produced and directed Street Singer, his second film, in 1966. In movies like Surang (1953), Baradari (1955), Kavi and Mastana (both 1954), Street Singer, Kali Topi Lal Rumal (1959), and in a negative role in Basant Bahar, Chandrashekhar played the lead role. At 50, Chandrashekhar decided to work as Gulzar's assistant director because he felt he needed to contribute more to the film industry.
Between 1972 and 1976, he worked with Gulzar on the movies Parichay, Koshish, Achanak, Aandhi, Khushboo, and Mausam. He also portrayed Arya Sumant, Dasharatha's prime minister, in Ramanand Sagar's TV series Ramayana. From 1985 to 1996, Chandrashekhar presided over the Cine Artistes Association (CINTAA). He served in a variety of positions, including vice president of the Indian Film Directors Association, president of the Federation of Western India Cine Employees, president of the All India Film Employees Confederation, trustee of the Cine Artistes Welfare Fund of India, and trustee of the Cine Artiste Welfare Trust. He was also a member of the Film Writers Association and the Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association. At the age of 78, he made an appearance in Khauff before quitting the business in 2000. At 98, he passed away on June 16, 2021.