Rapping is one those genres of musicwhich is gaining popularity day by day. Each day witnesses an uprise of young talent aspiring to be a rapper. Loka aka Abhinay is also one the talented Rappers. Apart from being a Rapper he is an actor, model, and a lyricist. Loka gained fame after participating in one the most popular show ‘Splitvilla.’Splitsvilla is a dating reality show hosted by the charming
Ranvijay Singh
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and the glamourous
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and is very popular amongst the youth.
Loka participated in the 12th edition of Splits villa. Loka started his splits journey first pairing up with Alice but ended up performing with Bhavya. Loka entertained the hosts, other contestants and the audience with his rapping skills. Loka performed his tasks with determination and desire to win. However, was knocked out along with his partner Bhavya in the quarter finals of the season.
Loka was born on 7th of March,1994. He is born and brought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Loka has a perfect personality as a rapper. He is much liked by the audience for his unique braids and for his slangs. Loka got more opportunities after doing Splitsvilla. In an interview, Loka revealed that he suffered dyslexia when he was in 2nd or 3rd standard. Later he was sent to a hostel where he spent seven years of his life, under immense military training.
Loka is emotionally attached to his mother more. Loka got his inspiration for writing raps from the international rappers Eminem and
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. Loka initially started writing his raps in English. Loka is born under the zodiac sign Libra. He speaks both English and Hindi. He hobbies or interests include cooking and playing various sports such as snooker, billiards or pool. Loka owns a band named Loka music and has a YouTube channel with this name.
He shares his hip-hop musical videos and raps. His channel has around 105 thousand subscribers. His one of the music videos ‘Shot Deke Gayab’ released in 2019 became very popular. The video has more than 4.7 million views. Loka is definitely one of the most talented individuals.
The day is not so far where he, like Badshah, Raftar and etc, would be known by everyone. Loka aka has his Instagram page named as Lokamusic and has a massive fan following of about 93.8 thousand followers and a following of 313. His page has around 161 posts. He keeps his fans entertained by posting stories and conducting live sessions.