Tajdeed-E-Wafa is a Pakistani romantic drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV. The story focuses on how a married couple’s life affects the life of their kids. What a kid sees while growing up is how they become later in life. A parent needs to make sure to be on their best behaviour in front of their child for them to have a good childhood. The story focuses mainly on the life of a married couple who often quarrel with each other and are always fighting. They try to mend their relationship with each other when they found out that these problems in their married life are affecting the happiness of their children. They try to pretend like a happy couple when around their children. Will their pretence change into reality or things will become worse? The cast includes Ahmed Ali Akbar Ahmed Ali Akbar is a former national-level tennis >> Read More... , Naveen Waqar Naveen Waqar, is a accomplished performer of Pakis >> Read More... , Ainy Jaffri Ainy Jaffri Rahman, a Pakistani actress, and model >> Read More... , and many more.