Tere Baghair is a Pakistani family drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV. The plot revolves around the life of Rabia who suffers greatly at the hand of her own relatives. Rabia and her husband Salman live a happy life until one day Salman is shot by thieves and is admitted in a hospital. Salman goes into coma making things more painful and tough for Rabia. Being alone she decides to seek help from her family and relatives but is always made to feel like a burden. She moves to her brother’s house where her live becomes miserable due to constant taunts and work given by her sister-in-law. Later she moves out and goes to live with her elder sister but her husband does not agree to her living with them. She again moves out and lives at her paternal home when her father passes away.
But due to a fight she again leaves and finds her kid’s teacher and lives with them for a while before moving back into her elder sister’s house. Even after moving there again, she is made to move out from there for the second time. She constantly had to change homes and this becomes a huge trouble for her. She feels dejected and breaks down thinking about her condition. She suffers a lot and even at the end due to a misunderstanding she is ignored by her husband after he wakes up from the coma. After going through hell she finally finds peace when the misunderstanding is cleared and she lives happily with him.