Sila-E-Mohabbat is a Pakistani romantic drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV in 2021. This show is produced by MD Productions and revolves around the story of a woman. The woman falls in love with a man deeply and expects her life to be filled with all roses and sparkles but in reality things are a lot more different. Her life suddenly is filled with problems and difficult phases that she has to go through alone. What she imagined her life to be turns out to be completely different when she gets trapped in a web of betrayal and hatred. How will she deal with the sudden turbulence in her life? The cast includes Rabab Hashim Rabab Hashim, the famous Pakistan actress and mode >> Read More... , Noor Hassan Rizvi Noor Hassan Rizvi is one of the most accomplished >> Read More... , Momina Iqbal Momina Iqbal is a well-known Pakistani model and a >> Read More... , and many more.