Ro Raha Hai Dil was an Urdu romantic television series produced by Erum Bint e Shahid, Zeeshan M Khan, and directed by Babaar Qayyum. The show premiered on 27 August 2018 and concluded on 18 February 2019, consisting of 26 episodes. Junaid Khan Junaid Khan is a prominent Pakistani singer, songw >> Read More... , Sonia Mishal Sonia Mishal is a Pakistani actress, born on 3rd N >> Read More... , Asad Siddiqi, Mariam Ansari Mariam Ansari is a Pakistani Actress known for her >> Read More... , and many more were the lead characters in this series. The story revolved around a young woman named Zoya. Her mother's death was the reason for Zoya's anger toward her father Dawood Shah. Even her love for her fiancée Ahad got rejected due to her rage. Zoya fell in love with Humayun when he entered her life, despite Ahad's efforts to make her happy. Humayun, however, was regarded by Ahad as a selfish, cruel man who would harm Zoya.