Manchahi is an Urdu Language drama television series aired on Channel Geo Entertainment from 22 December 2016. Nadeem Siddiqui directed this series and written by Kifayat Rodani Kifayat Rodani was born in Gidar, Qilat, Balochist >> Read More... , and Babar Javed Babar Javed is a Pakistani film director and produ >> Read More... produced it. The story is about a girl Momina who lost her parents in a car accident at school age. Momina’s life turns upside down when she learns that she doesn’t only have to survive on her own but she also has to take care of her newborn sister who is born on the day of the accident of her parents. Momina and her sister are then adopted by their aunt Bushra, who lives a conservative life. The girl who once belonged to an upper social stratum now begins to live with a lower-income family. Many restrictions start to irritate Momina when Sakhawath, Bushra’s son, takes full responsibility for looking after Bushra.