Hai Jaidi is a Pakistani serial that premiered in 1999 on PTV Home. The serial belongs to the comedy-drama genre and focuses on the life of Jaidi. Hai Jaidi centers on the life of a middle-aged man named Jaidi, a poor person with a lively personality. Jaidi doesn't have the skills for a job and does menial work to make ends meet. He lives in a rented room and pays the rent by working for the owner.
Jaidi is carefree and careless; due to his routinely caused mischief, he's a pain in the owner's life. Jaidi's life takes a new turn when the owner's daughter returns to live with them, making Jaidi vacant the rented room for the daughter and her husband. Later, the concerned daughter asks Jaidi about his relatives when he opens up about his nephew. Jaidi didn't have the money to nourish and care for his nephew; thus, he gave her up to a girl's orphanage.
The story escalates when Jaidi receives a letter from Basheer Shaikh, his millionaire uncle who wants to transfer his wealth into Jaidi's name before he passes away. Jaidi excites leaves for Karachi to meet his uncle and live a comfortable life. However, Jaidi doesn't have his uncle's address. Coincidentally, an older man named Basheer Shaikh is set to marry a young lady from an orphanage. Indeed, the young lady is Ruby, nephew of Jaidi.
Later, Ruby learns that her groom is an older man and runs away from the marriage. Jaidi crosses paths with Basheer Shaikh and follows him, believing he is the millionaire uncle. Jaidi is lead to the orphanage where he understands Ruby's situation. Will Jaidi be reunited with his nephew and locate his uncle? Watch Hai Jaidi to find out. Watch the Urdu serial "Hai Jaidi" on Dailymotion's website.