Nanna Koochi is a heartwarming tale of Anandraj and her twenty-year-old young daughter Tara. The show mainly focuses on the special bond of daughter and father. As Tara lost her mother at an early age her father was also her mother. She was grown pampered, and her father treated her like the only living princess. He did everything to make her life secure. They are very close until someone from her father's past starts to reappear in their life. The things started getting creepy as they thrilled and there was changing slowly.
Later, a boy named Luv was all set to foot on her life. When Luv came into her life, she started experiencing new emotions and soon fell for him. As Luv was already unquestionably in love with her, they both started hanging out together just like another couple. They started spending too much time together, simultaneously, the father was dealing with worse situations that endangered their relationships and new connections were pulling the old relation apart. This show delivers a heart-felt tale of father and daughter and their sufferings to stay together and happy. Despite so many challenges and hurdles how they still managed to stay together happily.