Subha-yoga is a popular astrology show in Telugu telecasted in Gemini TV. A prominent astrologer, Sri Viswanatha Saraswathi predicts the relative position and movements of celestial bodies . He firmly says that these celestial bodies have a significant influence on the natural world and human affairs. He is an ardent devotee of Goddess Basara Gnana and one of the most leading astrologers in the world. He verdicts that goddess Saraswathi Devi popped up in his dream and guided him in the path of spirituality. Sri Viswanantha Saraswathi has an expertise of 12 years in the field of astrology. His Raksha Swasthik Navaratna Sarva has benefitted many of his followers. His devotees are free to address him directly through phone calls and can ask him doubts on their future.
He begins the show, by praying to his Lord Jai Gurudev . Subha-yoga starts with a soothing melody “shreevaaniveenapaani” there by winning the hearts of the audience. Subha-yoga is a live astrology show telecasted in Gemini tv at 7.30 a.m. A few general tips on astrology were shared in this TV show. A portrait of Shiva’s family in the house is assumed to solve family problems. A prayer to lord Shiva with a jasmine garland helps people to face death fears says Guruji . Monday is auspicious for Lord Shiva says Guruji .He brings to notice that prayer to Lord Shiva with grapes Prasad fetches a good fortune. Pooja to Spatikalingam with water ,honey and vibhuti help people to attain a prosperous future. Guruji points out that prayer to Lord Ganapathi with curd rice on every Wednesday helps in better studies.
Sweet Pongal to goddess Lakshmi on every Friday is expected to bring better financial status . Victory in court cases were achieved by praying to Goddess Durga Devi on every Friday between 3-4.30 pm with a garland. This prayer is believed to give permanent solutions to court cases. Abhishekam to Lord Shiva with grape juice is believed to fight enemies dynamically. The recitation of the mantra “Om Nithaya Pathaya Namha” is assumed to bring good fortunes. Prayer to Lord Kaasi Vishwanadar ,every Monday with coconut lamp, is expected to fetch goodness to home. Prayer to Lord Shiva with a rose flower is assumed to bring ‘shanthanaparapthi’ to childless parents. Thumbnail flower prayer to Lord Shiva is proposed to achieve victory in all aspects of life. Many people got benefitted by the general astrology tips telecasted in this show .