Rangam 2 The Dance of Life is a reality television show which got based on dance and got aired on the Maa TV channel. It is a Telugu language program and features a variety of dancers across genres who set the stage on fire. It is a follow-up to the original show titled Rangam. It gained immense popularity and attracted a large fan base due to which the second season got the go ahead from the channel and the producers. It featured a number of dance performances across a variety of dance genres which enthrall the audiences and leave them spellbound.
The show features some of the most famous and well-known television stars who have featured in various hit serials. These celebrities put their best foot forward in an attempt to win the grand prize. Rangam 2 The Dance of Life featured the acclaimed personalities Amma Rajashekar Master, Natraj Master, and Gowthami in the judges’ seats. They oversaw the performances and provided some of their feedback drawing from years of experience with dance. They were responsible for injecting a certain amount of camaraderie into the show as well through the chemistry they shared. This made it a light-hearted affair. The viewers too enjoyed the chit chat. The contestants felt more connected to the judges owing to the approachable attitude maintained by them.
The participants are all divided into three teams as they try to win the grand prize. They got made to compete as a team and also trained and performed tasks behind the scenes together. The three teams which get made were the Warriors, the Chargers, and the Challengers. The team of the Warriors includes the personalities Suresh Varma, Mallesh, Neetu, Bharat, Priyanka, Teena, Anusha, and Vinod. The team of the Chargers includes the personalities Subhranth, Teju, Chinna, Devender, Pooja, Mounika, Virosha Gandhi, and Hussain. The team of the Challengers includes the personalities Soujanya, Diwakar, Sasidar, Ramesh, Sunanda Mala, Suman, Jhansi, and Anjali. The teams performed individually or in group/duet performances.
Each of the teams got awarded points based on the performance of the participants. They then competed to avoid getting eliminated. The show saw a variety of dances from across genres. They were well choreographed and showed the prowess of the stars we got used to seeing on our screens. The personalities too were extremely candid and connected well with the viewer base. They interacted with the judges and hosts and lent a light-hearted mood to the entire proceeding.