Rangam is a Telugu television series which had been aired on MAA TV. This show is dance reality show which included dance performances by some popular Telugu television celebrities as a couple. This show had been hosted by the popular Television anchor Udaya Bhanu She was born on 5th August 1973 in a place named S >> Read More... . The Judges for this show were Raghu master and actress Sanghavi.
This show included some spellbound dancing performances from the different contestants who are actually non-dancers. The dance performances made the audience feel wow and was a huge hit. This show received huge response from the viewers and was popular among the reality shows. This show remained high on the TRP chart during its telecast. The show included some of the couples from both on screen and off screen. The show witnessed various dancing styles. The contestants competed among themselves to win the grand prize. They were awarded points by the judges based on their performance as a couple. In some episodes, they have been grouped as a team, and their performance was judged.
The final had been held on 23 May 2016 between the pair Anil and Sreevani, and Indhira and Sirisha. The grand finale of this show had been telecasted in three episodes. The grand finale also included some mind-blowing dance performance by the judges Raghu master and Sanghavi. Udaya Bhanu sizzled the stage with some nerve-wracking dance moves.
This show received critical acclaim and had a huge fan base. Every bit in this show was well enjoyed by the viewers. The host of this show Udaya Bhanu is a famous TV anchor who is well- known as a host for some of the popular shows like ‘Horlicks Hridayanjali’,‘Saahasam Cheyyara Dhimbaka’, Once More Please’ and ‘Nee Illu Bangaram Kanu’. Other than being as a TV anchor she has also acted in a few films and performed three item songs in the popular movies like Julai and Leader. The Judge Click to look into! >> Read More... for his show Raghu master is a top dance choreographer in the film industry. He has choreographed for more than 50 films in his career. Sanghavi is a famous film actress who has acted in Kannada, Telugu and Tamil movies.