The Judge Teasers, Trailers, Video & Songs
The Judge is a crime/drama film directed by David Dobkin and starring Robert Downey, Jr. The movie also stars an incredible array of talents including the likes of Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Vera Farmiga, and others. The feature film is about the tense relationship between a father and his son with a backdrop of a murder case against the father played by Duvall.
The trailer kicks off with Downey, Jr . being a badass lawyer representing the questionable side of the law, but a voicemail takes him back to his dreaded hometown. The start of the trailer is upbeat, but as he learns about his mother’s death, the song takes a turn down the melancholic lane as we see him drive to his home. The soundtrack of Tim Myer’s ‘Hills to Climb’ is an inspirational background tune for the sequences playing out in the video. Though the movie includes a crime/thriller element in the form of murder, the main plot line is the homecoming of Robert Downey, Jr’s character, and the subsequent mending of the familial ties between father and son.
The song has a nice build and dominates the trailer and gets you pumped for the film. Ultimately, despite all the crime drama, the movie is a feel-good story about resolving familial bonds. It has an incredible cast of talented actors that give an exceptional performance that will probably leave you in tears as the spectacle unfolds.