Sikharam is an Indian Television Drama broadcast on ETV Telugu in 2013 and going till now on Monday to Saturday at 7.00 PM – 7.30PM. Directed by Kola Nageshwar Rao, Produced by Prasad Devineni Prasad Devineni is a film producer in the South In >> Read More... under Arka Media Works Production house. Lead role played by Nagendra Babu Nagendra Babu is a famous person in Telugu industr >> Read More... (Ishwar), Padma Chowdary Actor Bio Coming Soon ...... Check back later. >> Read More... , Anasuya (Pravalika) Sikharam is a story of a couple Ishwar and his wife. They are a productive and educated couple living abroad. They both are very kind hearted. One day they decide to come back to India and they return.
They found that in their village, the education has very less popularity, so they decide to open a school in the village so that the general people of the village get benefited from it in various ways. They progressed to so many changes in the village which benefited villagers and brought improvement in their lifetimes. Ishwar and his wife become very popular and respectable person among the village. When the couple come to know that Ishwar’s wife cannot be a mother due to a medical problem.
Bringing in this that they cannot be parents brings sadness in their life. The frustration of being childless grows in Ishwar’s wife and this leads to increase tension between the pair. The tale calls for a turn when Ishwar’s wife tells him that she can’t be a mother, but he can be a father and demands of him to hook up with someone to have a child only. Initially, Ishwar refuses but later agrees in pressure. Ishwar’s wife chooses a poor girl for that and the story goes on. Sikharam is a Most Popular Telugu serial telecasted on ETV, Sikharam already completed its 500th episode. Excellent dialogue oriented serial which has depth in every scene and story. Also, cast acting is appreciated by audiences.
Another Version of the Serial...
ETV launched on 7th September 2012 Sikharam a television drama serial which got full attention just from the first episode. The last episode with number 616 was broadcast on ETV on 30th August 2014 and it doesn’t show any signs that it will finish very soon. ETV broadcasted this television drama serial weekly from Monday to Saturday at 7PM. Directed by R.K. Malineni and with a well-chosen cast like Dubbing Janaki Dubbing Janaki is a popular South Indian televisio >> Read More... , ChalapatiRao, Bharani Shankar Bharani Shankar is an Indian actor who has appeare >> Read More... , Naga Babu, Sheela Singh Sheela Singh was born on 16th May. She was born an >> Read More... , Anil, Padma Chowdary and other great actors can take apart from the success of Shikharam.
Shikharam presents the story of well-educated couple which decided to move back to their native village, after they spent a lot of time abroad. With a very good financial situation, they decided to start a school in their village. The people from the village are modest people and very traditional ones. Really fast, they become a respected couple, but they suffer because the woman cannot remain pregnant. They try to adopt a child but due to some problems they quit this idea. She decides that her husband has to marry a girl so in this way she will become a mother with the child from the new bride. It is a twisted story with all types of emotions created to lure the viewers and it seems like this is a successfully story.
Another Version of the Serial...
Sikharam is a Telugu daily serial which was being telecasted in ETV daily from 6.30 PM to 700 PM IST. The story was directed by ‘Kola Nageshawarao’ and produced by ‘Prasad Devineni’. ‘Nagendra Babu’, who is a famous actor in South Indian films, played the male lead role in the show. The show was aired on March 2012 in Eenadu television. Ark Media Works has been the production company for this serial. The story is about a young man who is idealistic and who is willing to develop his village.
He believes that educating the people in the village changes the standard of their lives and strives hard for educating them. It was his biggest dream to develop his village by educating the people. The plot goes up with a simple basic life of an individual, the situations and consequences he faces and deals with, how he overcomes them and how he achieves his dream, is the theme of the story. Nagendra Babu played the role of “Eshwar Chandra Prasad” in this show. It’s definitely a one man show and his performance attracted lots of the audience. Though the story was lagged a bit at the initial stage but slowly and steadily it gained the attention of the audiences and stood as worth watchable serial for the audience. The serial got the good ratings within a short span of time.
Another Version of the Serial...
Shikharam is a prime-time Telugu soap opera in the drama genre which is telecasted on the channel ETV Telugu. The show is telecasted six days a week, Monday to Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Shikharam is the story of a young man Eshwar Chandra Prasad and his wife. They are a very educated couple who live abroad. One fine day, they decide to come back to home to their village. When they reach their village, they find out that the people there are living in terrible conditions and no one is educated in their village. So, the couple decides to open a school where they would be teaching the villagers. The villagers started getting educated and learning new things.
They started seeing old things in a new way in the light of education. The villagers start getting benefited and make huge progress. Eshwar and his wife become the most loved and respected people in the village. Suddenly, there is a change in this happy plot when Eshwar and his wife come to know that they cannot have a child. Due to some medical conditions, Eshwar’s wife cannot bear a child. This starts creating tension between the couple and their calm and composed life starts falling apart.
The feeling of being childless starts getting to Eshwar’s wife and she starts remaining restless. One fine day, she makes a decision and tells Eshwar to marry another girl only for the purpose of bearing their child. Eshwar is furious and rejects the idea. After a lot of pleading and convincing, Eshwar agrees to the idea. Eshwar’s wife selects a poor girl from the village and gets her married with her husband. While everything is going as per plan initially, suddenly twists and turns start entering the plot of the show. With the arrival of Eshwar’s second wife, will the life of all three change? What are the next set of events that come across is what the story is all about.
The show stars Nagendra Babu, more popularly known as Naga Babu in the leading role of Eshwar Chandra Prasad while Priya Bhavani and Varshini play his two wives.The other lead roles are played by Pravalika, Padma Chowdhary, Janaki, Sheela Singh, etc. The show is directed by Anwar, produced by Prasad Devineni and Arka Media Works. The show had a good run for more than two years. The show had a total of 851 episodes. The last episode of the show was telecasted on 30th May 2015.