Telugu Tv Serial High school

High school Telugu Tv serials on Gemini tv
3.50 / 5.00
3.50 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u
High School is a family television series, which it can be seen every day from 6:30-7:00 PM on Gemini TV. Produced by D.Y. Chowdary and directed by V.P. Krishna, it started to change some things in parent’s mentality and made them to see the things about their children from a different angle. Because of the screenplay from Murailani and Keshavan and M.Thyagaraju who written the storyline, it started to get up in the Gemini TV audience with a number of 200 episodes.

The storyline is based on children's lives and their life at school, also the story is based on experiences and the education system in this present day. Looking carefully, we can see and also we can understand the real lives and problems that the young generation has to manage it every day and all of this is possible because of the screenplay which is very well presented to the audience. High School also reflects the issue which the today’s society deals with and they are solved carefully and ethically, in the end the High School is offering to the audience some tips on how to pass the exams and became stress free.



Kaveri Telugu TV-Actress
Sameera Reddy Telugu Movie Actress
DOB: 14 December 1980
Sameera Reddy
Anjali Devi Telugu Movie Actress
DOB: 24 August 1927
Anjali Devi
Lakshmi Manchu Telugu Movie Actress
DOB: 8 October 1977
Lakshmi Manchu