Mounaraagam is an Indian Telugu television drama that aired on Star Maa. The show premiered on September 16, 2018, and ran till January 30, 2021. It featured Priyanka Jain, Shiva Kumar Marihal, and Anil Allam Anil is famous star in small screen. He is from Gu >> Read More... in crucial roles. The show begins with the portrayal if complexities of a young mother, Neelaveni, whose little daughter is not accepted in the family. She faces criticism from her husband and in-laws, leading her to attempt infanticide. However, her efforts fail, and she does her best to protect her little one and give her a life of happiness.
Ammulu, is a mute girl rejected by her father Seenaiah and grandmother Kanthamma, who believe she brings misfortune. So, Ammulu's mother Neelaveni raises her separately, while her siblings Vasantha and Chakri grow up in the family home. Ammulu is a highly creative girl, so despite being unable to speak, she expresses herself through drawing and painting.
On the other hand, another character is introduced. Nandini is a benevolent CEO raising her children Ankith and Lucky. Her brother Vishnu, with ill intentions, aims to gain the family property by marrying his daughter Sarayu to Ankith. Being completely unaware of Vishnu's schemes, Nandini admires her brother. However, Ankith falls in love with Ammulu Mai, lying for her kind heart and the fact that she saved him in childhood.
Things take a dark twist when Ankith's sister Lucky becomes pregnant by Chakri, leading to an unwanted marriage between the two families. Seenaiah, who was once an admirer of Ammulu, starts distancing himself from Chakri. Despite initial admiration for Ammulu's good deeds, Nandini discovers she is a disabled child. Vishnu and Sarayu manipulate Nandini to believe false scenarios, leading her to reject her son’s and Ammulu’s relationship. What happens to the love story of Ammulu? Will she get married to the love of her life? Or her disability always be assumed as her main personality trait? The rest of the story deals with that.Â