Telugu Tv Serial Lakshmi Nivasam

Genre: Drama, Family
3.43 / 5.00
3.43 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Lakshmi Nivasam is a Telugu series aired on Zee Telugu. It is an adaptation of the Kannada series Lakshmi Nivasa Lakshmi Nivasa is a Kannada series that started ai >> Read More... that aired on Zee Kannada. Getti Melam is the Tamil version of this series that aired on Zee Tamil.

Lakshmi and Srinivas are an ideal middle-class couple. Their biggest dream is to own a house, and Srinivas saves money to build their dream house, Lakshmi Nivasam. Lakshmi and Srinivas have three daughters and 2 sons. Their elder daughter and two sons are married. Among the last two daughters, one works and the other studies. Srinivas is about to retire and plans to use the retirement money for Lakshmi Nivasam. But his children’s plans were different. Were Lakshmi and Srinivas able to build their dream house? The rest of the series speaks about this.

Chandrasekhar plays the role of Srinivas, and “ Sriranjani Sriranjani is an Indian actress known for her work >> Read More... ” plays the role of Lakshmi. Ganesh Reddy Ganesh Reddy is a talented actor who primarily wor >> Read More... , Juhi Vadla Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Antara Swarnakar Antara Swarnakar is an actress working in the Tami >> Read More... , Bhavana Lasya Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Sri Rithika Sri Rithika, is an Indian television personality w >> Read More... are in the main cast.


Lahari Telugu Movie Actress
Madhumani Telugu Movie Actress
DOB: 29 February 1972
Vishnu Priya - Telugu Telugu Movie Actress
DOB: 22 February 1986
Vishnu Priya - Telugu