Vivek Special Comedy is a 1-hour show aired on Adithya TV Every Monday 1 am. The show is the mix of scenes of Tamil Comedy Actor Vivek from the movies he worked. Vivek is well known for discuss the relevant serious topics with humour and is totally different from the other comedy actors in Tamil Industry. Vivek comedies are always enjoyable, and one will never get bored even in repeat mode. Some of the famous comedy sequences include his fictional humour sequences in movie whistle where he gets power to hear what others talk inside even animals and those sequences are hilarious, and it will be difficult to control the laugh.
Some of Vivek comedy sequence is which are very exceptional but failed to get recognised due to the failure of the movie also played in the show. His drunken comedy pieces are so much reality based acting which never ends up in overacting because in the case of drunk sequences people tend to overact doing those sequences. There are repeatedly played sequences too from this show from his old to new sequences including the sequences from an old movie there is a sequence where he uses stolen police bike and uniform to solve some issues, And he was insulted. He always uses different slangs from Tamil effectively and sometimes his English funny accents makes even angry and sad people relax and laugh. He is a recipient of honourable Padma Shree award. Vivek has almost collaborated with every hero in the Tamil industry always and also some other comedians too. He mainly works in big budget movies but lost his charm due to the entry of Santhanam and change of type of comic sequences and but he adapted himself with slight changes and worked in some movies like Vela Illa Pattathari, Yennai Arindhaal Click to look into! >> Read More... , etc.
Most of the episodes of Vivek Special comedy shows were concentrated completely on one or two film comedy sequences instead of showing small sequences from many movies. The Channel Adithya is a full-time comedy channel, And it is owned by Sun Network and Adithya TV telecast all type of comedy from olden days to new generation it has a competitor named Siripoli. As it is the most watched Channel, It's also available abroad in places like Singapore and Malaysia on Mio TV and Astro TV from 2012. Some of the Programmes of Adithya TV are like Konjam Copy, Niraya comedy, Orupada Comedy Orupada Comedy is a Tamil language TV show. Adithy >> Read More... , Bodi Soda.