Solvathellam Unmai is the Tamil language based reality justice show, aired on ZeeTamil. If the name of the show is translated into English, it means All that is told is truth. The show depicts real-life stories of people. It even portrays the values required for building a stable society. They come up with a solution to the situation. There are three seasons of the show. After the stupendous success and popularity of the first season, the second season was aired. The show successfully ran from 2011 to 2018.
Season two of the show was hosted by Sudha Chandran Here is a girl who met with a major accident while >> Read More... . The running time of the show is approximately was forty to forty-five minutes. On the whole, a total of 1621 episodes were telecasted, out of which 941-1065 episodes were released during the second season. The first episode of the show was released on 1st June 2015. It was telecasted from Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm. The last episode was aired on 29th March 2016.
 It is one of the most empowering reality show that I have come across. It is a show where the guests aren’t great celebrities, but commoners who share their stories and give us a reason to celebrate everyone amongst us and make us feel that battle is there in each and every aspect of life. The show not only invites celebrities but also the platform to the common people to appeal for justice. It provides a platform for such inspiring stories to and has consistently gained audience throughout these years. The host tries to find an apt solution pertaining to the circumstances. She tries to help people in the best possible way she could.
The show helps to increase awareness amongst the viewers. Makes them aware of the society they are living in. The audience becomes more alert and aware of how to act in a particular situation of an accident. Some people are of the viewpoints that this spread a lot of negativity among viewers, but there is something people need to keep in mind is that life is not only about right and wrong. Life is beyond black and white. This show helps to boost alertness among the audience. The society that we will live in is not free from crime, corruption, and fraud. An adult needs to understand it. The younger generation can be made aware of the society they live in. It helps them to understand the society they are apart.