Solvathellam Unmai is a Tamil talk show which is broadcasted on Zee Tamil. Lakshmy Ramakrishnan The shift from acting to direction is becoming mor >> Read More... is the anchor if the show. She has an unbiased view on the world. The show has a runtime of one hour. Season one was aired on 2015. The show is a hit among the Tamil audience and has amassed over five hundred episodes. There are various stories which happen outside our closed doors. Most of the stories go unheard and the people who are involved in it have to suffer.
It is an emotional show which deals with a lot of emotions. Participants of the show are common people about whom you would have never heard. They talk about their problems, evils in the society and much more. All these stories are true and the consequences faced the story-teller are not exaggerated. Lakshmy Ramakrishnan eagerly listens to these people and tries to give a solution to their problems. The main purpose of the show is to create awareness among the citizens of the country. Just because it is not being published in the newspaper or the media is not covering it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. What we hear is only a tiny portion of what is actually happening.
The show is giving a platform to people to speak their minds and not to worry about the consequences. Some of the stories which are told will fill your eyes with tears. It shows us the dark reality of the corrupt bureaucracy present in our country. It airs daily from Monday to Friday at prime time. There aren't many shows in the country, which have had a profound impact on the public. The people who came to the show to share their problems have been living happily ever since.
The anchor tries her best to help them. She also informs the audience on how to prevent such things from happening to you or anybody close to you. It is an informative show and is already in its second season. The live audience present in the studio also gets a chance to ask questions. Sometimes there are a few people who would like to share their stuff but want their privacy to remain intact. During such times, instead of a guest, there is a video being played. The participant’s face is blurred. The show is popular in Tamil Audience, but it is slowly catching up in the neighboring states also.