Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru is a Tamil entertainment television show that falls under the genre of comedy shows. Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru selects various comedians after an auditioning process and then they are made to compete with each other to win the show. They are scored based on their performance and the participant with the highest score takes home with him/her the award prize and the title of the show. The show has a very talented lineup of judges. Sethu, Balaji, Mahesh, and Priyanka are the four judges of the show.
The show has been very successful in garnering great ratings from around the nation which is why it has six seasons in place. Season six of the show has altogether 42 hilarious episodes. The show is very popular among people of all ages and is considered to be a family show. The show features on the channel, Star Vijay.
Another Version of the Show...
Kalakka Povathu Yaaru is a Tamil comedy show airing on VIJAY TV. The TV series is popularly known by its initials KPY and has been running since 2005. Season 6 of the series was aired in 2016-2017. The 29-episode series kick-started in the August of 2016. The comedy show hosts an array of comedians and celebrities, who go through varied concepts of comedy to compete for the title. A panel of judges and special episode guests headed the scoreboard grading of the contestants. Keeping aside the rather predictable concept and format aside, the show has successively entertained the audience through its many seasons. Season 6 was hosted by VJs Rakshan and Jacquline, both of them returning for their second season of co-hosting.
Despite their first time as anchors, their popularity soared in the fifth season. Priyanka Deshpande Priyanka Deshpande is a television presenter in th >> Read More... , Thadi Balaji Thadi Balaji is an Indian television anchor and ac >> Read More... , Erode Mahesh Erode Mahesh is a TV anchor in Tamil television ch >> Read More... , Mimicry Sethu Mimicry Sethu is an Indian film on-screen actor, w >> Read More... , and Aarthi comprised the judging panel. The panel had remained the same except for Aarthi replacing Nandhini ‘ Myna Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ as a panellist. The season had started initially with over 30 contestants. Most of them were eliminated and sieved through the process to reach the top 6 finalists. The finals were aired on 11th June 2017. Vinoth VJ and Bala were declared the winners of the KPJ season 6 title, while Dinesh was named the runner-up.