Bommiyum Thirukkuralis a children’s Tamil show broadcast on the Chutti TV channel. This show is based on the idea of 1330 couplets or Kurals of Tamil classical text Thirukural, a book written on dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual. The story revolves around Bommi a girl and her animal friends named Taco, Boris, Remba, Maya, and Yip.These animals are a giraffe, a pink elephant, a dark blue crow, a blue dog who can talk. The host of this show who converses with these animated characters, named Professor G. Gnannsambandham. Bommi calls the professor ‘uncle’. He asks them to repeat the couples after him. Basically, this show tells the good manners every kid should follow. For example, when you see a physically disabled person standing atthe bus stop, the good manner is to give them your seat and let them get on the bus before you, also helping them on the way. Theanimal friends of Bommi conclude what they learned at the end of the show so that the kids watching them will learn these important life lessons.
This show presents old but wise lessons for the new generation so that they learn during an early age. Bommi’s friends ask the uncle interesting questions from which his story starts. All the couplets from this classical text Thirkul are presented for the kids in an interactive and fun way. Bommi and her friends sing songs together, play,and exercise together. The uncle tells them stories to make them good human beings. From the stories of the sages of the ancient time to the legends of Lord Shiva all are shown in this show. Stories of kings and queens, their children, and what we learn from them is shown. Mahatma Gandhi, who got India its freedom, is taught to Bommi and her friends. He sometimes brings a book from which he teaches them about verses like the importance of family and good values.
There is a question set at the start of every episode.Bommi and her friends ask every doubt from her uncle. Examples from Mahabharat and the story of five Pandavas are taught to the kids so that they can learn something from it.The professor asks them questions to test their knowledge. Boomi’s friends ask the audience questions next so that audience is fully engaged. The uncle,Bommi, and her friends change the location of their storytelling, from schools, temples to a house with a river flowing beside it.