Bhakthi Thiruvizha is a devotion based religious show which came on the channel Star Vijay. The series is a Tamil language one which came on every day from Monday through Sunday in the half and hour time slot between 6:30 AM and 7:00 AM. It premiered on Indian television screens on 9th October 2015. The program got based upon the Neo Bhakti movement and presents their teachings and preaching to the audience members. The program embarks us on a journey of the spirit and gives a huge variety of devotional mantras and teachings from some of our most revered deities and their lives.
The host of this show presents us with a lot of small but interesting information which got related with the different rituals as well as customs that get followed across the different places. This deeply religious program can get called unique, owing to the fact that, it allows us to pay our respects and learn a lot more about the various rituals that get followed. These religious places could be from any of the surrounding regions, and they provide us with the appropriate access from within our very own homes in a comfortable environment.
Every episode features a variety of discourses, bhajans as well as devotional songs which bring with it a strong spiritual flavor for one and all to relish and enjoy. The program manages to transport us all and give us insights into the different teachings of the deity and the lessons we can learn from therein. This got accompanied with a narration about the inherent specialties that exist in the teachings getting narrated or about the various deities and what life lessons we can adopt. It provides a spiritualistic journey which got supplemented with a layer of self-actualisation through the learnings we can glean from therein.
The entire trip provides us with the feeling of visiting the holy grounds without moving out of the home. We also learn some of the popular hymns which had gotten dedicated to the Gods as well as the Goddesses. The audience members get a deep spiritual feeling through the virtual journey by getting a means to connect with the divine truth themselves and find a deeper meaning to their lives. The program provides some beautiful insights into the colorful world of Hindu deities. It forms a remarkable treasure trove which consists of information regarding the vast and rich Bhakti movement.