Veer Marthandan is a Tamil television show, which used to be shown on Zee Tamizh. It is a television series which is based on Indian mythology. This series had been a dubbed version of Jai Malhar Jai Malhar is based on the mythological series, Kh >> Read More... , a Marathi television series. The original series accumulated a lot of popularity in the early days of its telecasting. The title, in particular, became very famous and popular during its period of telecasting. The efforts put forth by the actors on this show had also been very much appreciated by its viewers. The story of this show had been based on an avatar of Lord Shiva, known as Lord Khandoba. His full name is Lord Martanda Bahirava, which means “reincarnation of Lord Shiva.” This show focuses on the qualities Lord Khandoba magnanimity, his sheer courage, and his prowess. He is well known by the name of Malhar in parts of Maharashtra. He is worshiped religiously by people across Maharashtra and beyond as the family guardian or deity of many.
The devotion towards him by his devotees is, popularly, expressed by yelling or chanting aloud the phrase, “Yelkot Yelkot Jai Malhar.” The city of Jejuri, in Maharashtra, is the first famous shrine of worship for Lord Khandoba. This place gets populated heavily throughout the year when people and devotees come here to worship Lord Khandoba. Lord Khandoba has always been seen and portrayed as a superpower, as the symbol of excellence, and regarded as the God of love. He had been taken as a superhero amongst the young generation.
The lead character in this show had been of Lord Shiva, Khandu Gavda, and Lord Khandoba. It had been played by Devdatta Nage Devdatta Nage is an Indian actor/model who is most >> Read More... . The role of Goddess Parvati, in the parallel lead, had been played by Gauri Sukhtankar Gauri Sukhtankar is an actress based in India. She >> Read More... . Surabhi Hande Surabhi Hande is a well-known and renowned Indian >> Read More... had been seen playing the character of Mhalsa. Isha Keskar Isha Keskar, an Indian marathi on-screen character >> Read More... had played Jayadri and Goddess Banai's role. Master Shanay Bhise had enacted the role of Lord Ganesha. Nakul Ghanekar Nakul Ghanekar is a Marathi tv actor and a danc >> Read More... had portrayed Lord Vishnu. Purva Neelima Shubhash plays the role of Goddess Lakshmi. Anirudhha Vinayak Joshi had played the Narada's character. Akshay Milind Dandekar plays as Nandi. Siddhesh Prabhakar had played Lord Surya's role. Arti More Arti is an actress in the entertainment industry. >> Read More... had portrayed the character of Latika. Priyanka Waman Bio coming soon... >> Read More... had described the role of Manji. Mahesh Phalke Mahesh Phalke is one of the most well-known person >> Read More... had played the enactment of Ranga. Anjali Valsangkar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... had played the role of Shevanti. And finally, the character of Lord Indra had been performed by none other than, Swapnil Rajshekhar Swapnil Rajshekhar is an Indian actor. He also anc >> Read More... .