Savaal is a soap drama Tamil serial that was aired in Polimer TV. The serial was broadcasted in the year 2017 from Monday to Friday at 9 pm and had a total of 80 episodes. This serial is a dubbed version of the Hindi serial Haasil. The story revolves around two brothers Ranvir and Kabir Raichand, where their peaceful lives went on a drastic change when Aanchal came into their lives. The story begins showcasing the richness of the Raichand family and their luxurious lifestyle. The brothers grew up always being pampered by their parents, Jatin Raichand and Sarika. Sarika every time humiliated Jatin, and he was always put out of action by his wife. Ranvir is the elder brother, where he is a sensible, intelligent, and unselfish person. While his younger brother Kabir is just the opposite and also a womanizer but he takes good care of his loved ones.
Meanwhile, Aanchal comes from a middle-class family and has a younger brother Aman. She is a lawyer and a self-independent woman who is raised by a single mother as she lost her father at a young age. Aanchal handles over a case of a rape victim and falsely assumes Ranvir as the rapist and puts him behind bars. However, Kabir submits evidence at the court and proves his brother as innocent. Kabir hates Aanchal instantly and vows to her that he would seek his revenge upon her. On the other hand, Ranvir falls in love with Aanchal at first sight and hires her in his company. Kabir plans to take his revenge by making her fall in love with him so that he can humiliate her by dumping before their wedding. Without knowing about his brother’s feelings for Aanchal, Kabir decides to continue with his plan, but instead, he falls in love with her.
Aanchal and Kabir is determined to marry each other and confronts to Sarika. Sarika opposes their marriage after hearing the horoscope of Aanchal from the priests. Sarika reveals to everyone that Aanchal’s first husband would die if she marries someone and tries to brainwash Kabir to marry his cousin Naina to lead a peaceful life, but Kabir refuses her suggestion. Meanwhile, Ranvir also supports Kabir about his decision to marry Aanchal. Unfortunately, on their wedding day, someone tries to shoot Aanchal but Kabir takes up the bullet. Later, it is revealed that Sarika sets up someone to kill Aanchal, and Ranvir also suggests Aanchal marry him so that her curse will also be broken. She would lead a contented life with Kabir, and he confesses about his brain tumor and tells everyone that he will die soon. Kabir hates the decision taken by Aanchal to marry his brother while he was in the hospital and accuses her of cheating.
As the serial progress, major twists take place as Ranvir devises an evil plot to win over Aanchal, so cooks up the story of a brain tumor and makes everyone believe in him. Meanwhile, Ranvir finds out that even after his marriage Aanchal still is in love with Kabir. Ranvir decides to change Aanchal’s mind by setting up Naina to blame Kabir for her pregnancy. At the same time, Kabir and Aanchal’s younger brother decides to find out the truth behind it. The serial furthermore continues showcasing the rage between the two brothers to win Aanchal. Finally, Aanchal finds the truth about Ranvir and marries Kabir, and the story ends showing Kabir getting treatment in a mental hospital for his obsession over Aanchal.
The cast members of this serial are Nikitha Dutta (Aanchal), Vatsal Seth (Kabir), Zayed Khan Zayed Khan aka Zayed Abbas Khan is the son of the >> Read More... (Ranvir), and Sheeba (Sarika) play the prominent roles in this serial. The serial was directed by Shashank Sekar and written by Samir Arrora.