Video Jockey Dhil @ Dhilip Kumaran Thiyaga Rajan had made a comeback as a host to a comedy show. Dhil started his career from the same entertaining chain. However, owing to his problems and tussles, he had discontinued his passion for years. Then, he decided to continue where he left off. His fans were equally excited when the promo for the marathon was released. The format of the sequential had resembled the famous ‘ Comedy Time Comedy Time was a Comedy Show hosted in Surya TV. >> Read More... ’ which was telecasted in Sun Network Televisions Entertainment Private Limited. After the advent of Aditya comedy channel, the format had retained. The entire dramatization had a live telecast. It had the interactive background. It has live on air performances as well as pre-recorded staging.
The theme was that, a caller calls through the phone number provided on the screen. Once the call was connected, it was followed by forwarding it to the lead. He sought the name of the caller, their profession, and their hobbies. Later, a scheme for conveying wishes through text messages that had scrolled in the screens had introduced. Ore Kushi had the pioneering technology to be proud with. During the first half of the entire broadcast, the viewers were asked to tell a joke. After progression, they had started creating funny interrogation.
At the end of the chat, they were asked, which comedy scene had required a play. So, there had been a dual role. One was ‘food for thought’, and the other was ‘the feed for the emotions.’ During the initial production scenario, they had filtered the comedies that had promoted many social prejudices. For Example Actor Vivek’s role in the film ‘ Samy Bio coming soon... >> Read More... ’ where he was specially cornered on the annihilation of caste-based discrimination among the people belonging to Brahmin Caste against the Dalit. His role in ‘ Dhool Story soon >> Read More... ’ had a special focus on the obsession of village people over girl child.
He had spoken elaborately on the role of women in the upliftment of the society. However, the entire sequence had gradually declined to lose its popularity in total after the introduction of hilarious channels under their umbrella. The portrait turned into commercialization resulting in a complete downfall. Despite the odds, the exhibition had increased the T. R. P. of the network to an extent. Comments on the YouTube section still proved that it had retained a considerable amount of fanatics to it. Watch the provided link for more fun.