Tamil Tv Serial Madurai

Madurai Tamil Tv serials on Vijay tv
3.00 / 5.00
3.21 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Madurai is a village flavored serial broadcasted on Star Vijay channel directed by Gerald. Initially, It was structured like a standard revenge oriented story line and turned away from that very rapidly. The story is about the efforts of a girl named ' Meenakshi Every person in the world faces hardships that are >> Read More... ' to reunite the siblings from an older generation.

There are 5 siblings in question: Meenakshi’s father Doraipandi, Veerapandi, Murugesan, Lakshmi and Kamakshi. As one would expect, its all knotted in a love story involving Meenakshi and Kamakshi’s son Saravanan. The plot is rather different as it moves away from the standard-cry feats that most serials are. Added to that is very good action from the leading characters.

Principle Cast:

(a) Meenakshi is a good hearted stubborn village girl and arguably the strongest of characters and remained fairly consistent till the end.

(b) Saravanan, initially the role carried himself as gangster or rowdy gets weekend after falling in love with Meenakshi. The romance between them is subtle, realistic and enjoyable.

(c) Doraipandi has been characterized as a good father and moderately stubborn but will listen to reason.

(d) Veerapandi is a gut- fiery fellow, yet compassionate with principles on one hand and deep grudges on the other.

(e) Kamakshi, Saravanan’s mother is portrayed as a selfish, ego- centric who cares about nothing else to prove her point.

There are a host of other characters which include the children of other siblings and a subplot within it.




Srilekha Tamil TV-Actress
DOB: 25 June 1975
Michael Thangadurai Tamil Movie Actor
DOB: 23 August 1983
Michael Thangadurai
Aarthi Ganeshkar Tamil Comedian
DOB: 9 November 1985
Aarthi Ganeshkar
Anuradha Sriram Tamil Singer
DOB: 9 July 1970
Anuradha Sriram